How to Print On Glass

How to Print On Glass

How to Print On Glass? Glass is a classical item which can be modernized by decorating. Printing and designing on glass can increase its value expanding the possibilities.

Glass is a classical item which can be modernized by decorating. Printing and designing on glass can increase its value expanding the possibilities for designing surfaces that are attractive and modest. Given as token of happiness and new beginnings to the newlywed couple printed glass has long been serving as precious present to be kept in memories for long. Printed glass gives lavish and wonderful look with nickel pieces that could be hanged on wall.
Poikilo-Glass Printing:

People generally think that glass can only be printed in a square or rectangular form however this is not the fact. It is also possible to print on glass in different shapes such as ellipse, circle, rhombus, oval and many more.

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Printing Technology on Glassware:

To determine the techniques for glass printing demands several skills of various methods, appliances and other things.

Screen printing and Digital ceramic glass printing are the two major methods for glass printing. Using separate techniques, instruments and inks both approaches give brilliant advantages and results with different degrees of flexibility and cost. UV printing is the third choice which gives benefits of digital printing; however, screen printing or digital ceramic printing does not provide the great durability.

Modifications in Printing Qualities:

Better quality UV printers are infiltrating the marketplace and facilitating quality and high-speed printing, larger and higher quality printheads, fluctuating droplet size also allows quality and color savings as technology progresses. Color sharpness and depth can also be enabled but require more time.

There are discrepancies between Desktop printers and Hybrid printers stating that better quality desktop printers allow more accuracy, particularly while preparing glass connections. As it is believed that zero line is considered correct for placement of glass, but this is not the real case. Accuracy lies in customized profiles, advanced rip software and fine and coarse mechanics.

It is believed that China produces UV printers of a lower quality however this is not true. It is a fact that UV (Ultraviolet) printers from Switzerland such as swissqprint, from Korea like Dili, from Germany and other countries are of great quality but China also produces great quality UV printers that are manufactured in proficient factories.

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